Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Council of Oulu Region
Vipuvoimaa EU:lta 2014-2020
European Union European Regional Development Fund
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Council of Oulu Region
Vipuvoimaa EU:lta 2014-2020
European Union European Regional Development Fund

Startup events, services and community

Everything you need to know about the startup

ecosystem in one place.

Mindset stage

You’ve heard about startups and now you are looking for an opportunity to learn more and get inspired. Find tools and resources to fuel your curiosity and nurture your entrepreneurial mindset!


You have a scalable and innovative business idea and now require the right support to make it a tangible venture. Find local experts, funding opportunities, and tailored trainings to help you turn your concept into a real business!


Having developed your MVP and established your company, it’s time to take your startup to new heights. Discover relevant networks, connect with valuable partners and attract potential investors to facilitate your growth!

Mindset stage

You’ve heard about startups and now you are looking for an opportunity to learn more and get inspired. Find tools and resources to fuel your curiosity and nurture your entrepreneurial mindset!


You have a scalable and innovative business idea and now require the right support to make it a tangible venture. Find local experts, funding opportunities, and tailored trainings to help you turn your concept into a real business!


Having developed your MVP and established your company, it’s time to take your startup to new heights. Discover relevant networks, connect with valuable partners and attract potential investors to facilitate your growth!

Startup mindset

You are a student or you have heard the word “startup” and are looking for options to get to know more, but you don’t know where to start. These organisations are waiting for the young & curious, who are keen to create innovative projects for launching new products and solutions with help of technology tools.


You have an idea for a scalable, innovative product or a service with a clear concept & milestones on how to get there. What you probably need is resources to fund your early prototype, team members, test your idea with clients. Find partners for your prototype through mentoring and supporting networks.


You have developed an MVP and the signed shareholder agreement between founders. Now you are ready for investments and to accelerate your business with the help of angel investors, accelerators and investment funds. Ecosystem partners in this phase will also to get you prepared for market validation and scaling.

Meet likeminded people at the events organized by Oulu startup ecosystem partners.

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